Reject #ClearviewCopOut Settlement
If between 2017- 2024 you resided in the U.S. and had photographs of your face posted to a publicly accessible web page on the internet, Clearview AI may have scraped and taken your images and biometrics without your permission. This can include a public Instagram page, images posted on Facebook and Twitter, to a bio on your employer’s page.
Given the amount of people impacted by Clearview’s practices, up to 200 million, you are more than likely considered a class member in this settlement. The eventual payout from this settlement, which could be pennies, would ALLOW Clearview to continue its ongoing practice of harvesting and selling our faces without consent. Take action now to reject this settlement and show your opposition to data exploitation for profit from Big Tech companies!
Take Action: You can opt-out of the Clearview settlement via email or snail mail.
IMPORTANT: Your letter or email must be postmarked or emailed by September 20, 2024.
Follow the steps below to opt out of the Clearview AI settlement via email. It should take no more than 5 minutes, and can make all the difference in the fight against Big Tech’s abuses and exploitation.
Step 1
Create your electronic signature. You can make and download it for free here. This signature MUST be included with your email, so make sure to insert it to the bottom of the email before you click Send.
Step 2
Prepare the email with our template! Click here to open a new email in your browser’s default mail handler. For your convenience, here are some links to compose your message in popular email services:
Step 3
The email will auto populate with language from the campaign. You will need to input your name and address. Then you can insert your electronic signature and hit send! Please note: A BCC email is included in the pre-filled email to help us keep track of how many opt-outs are sent. No info will be collected and stored beyond that purpose.
Alternatively, you can send a signed letter with the following template language via mail. The letter must be mailed to the following address:
In re Clearview Al, Inc. Consumer Privacy
Litigation Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 2409, Portland, OR 97208-24
Template language:
Dear Administrator,
My name is [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE]. My mailing address is [INSERT ADDRESS HERE]. I am writing about the settlement in In re: Clearview AI, Inc. Consumer Privacy Litigation, Civil Action File No. 1:21-cv-00135 (N.D. Ill.). I wish to be excluded from the Settlement Class for the purposes of this Settlement.

We’re thrilled that you’re taking action with us to stand up to Clearview AI’s by opting out of the settlement.
If you would like to get involved and expand your impact, sign up for updates from the organizations leading the project and share the campaign widely with your networks!
What is Clearview AI?
Clearview AI is a facial recognition technology company with ties to the alt-right that sells all of our faces for profit. Clearview peddles a mass surveillance technology that puts our freedoms and safety at risk. It has scraped billions of our images from the internet without our consent to create a massive database of images. From these images, Clearview extracts the unique features of a person’s face to create a “faceprint” that can be used to identify individuals in a photo. Users, including law enforcement officers, can use Clearview’s app to match a person’s photo to these images. In this way, Clearview puts each and every one of us into a “perpetual police line up.” This technology is harmful to communities and has chilled activists who fear retaliation for speaking up. Clearview has been sued and fined around the world for its practices.
About the Illinois Class Action Lawsuit Settlement:
Several cases were joined together before a federal court in Illinois. Clearview is now poised to settle that consolidated class action lawsuit, but this settlement does not offer the protection our community deserves. Clearview’s settlement agreement offers class members a stake in the company, but not immediate cash payouts. Given the amount of people affected, any payout down the line could be as little as pennies. It would ALLOW Clearview to continue its ongoing practice of harvesting and selling our faces without consent.
Who is included in the settlement:
Virtually everyone may be part of the settlement class. If you lived in the United States and have been active on social media at any time from 2017 to July 21, 2024 you will likely be included in one or more classes of the settlement and can make a claim. People who lived in CA, IL, NY, and VA at any time from 2017 to July 21, 2024 will get a larger share of the settlement. Under this settlement, you have the right to “opt out,” which means you won’t participate in the settlement if you are a class member, but you would maintain any rights you may have to file a lawsuit against Clearview in the future.
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